Students Attend First Annual Sadie's Banquet

Valentine's Day can be a romantic occasion, but it can also be a bit of a letdown. Those without partners sometimes feel left out, and even those who do have significant others may find the whole affair disappointing.
Be that as it may, many students at Blue Mountain this year were anything but disappointed with the Sadie Hawkins banquet. Both cute couples and single stags were welcome, and everyone involved seemed to have a great time.
Steak and shrimp were served at the banquet, and entertainment was provided by T.K. Townshend on the piano. The decorations were elegant and tasteful, including tealights and painted bottles holding flowers. Many of the flowers were daisies, reminiscent of the society hosting the event, the Eunomians. With some help from the Student Body Association, the Eunomians did a spectacular job putting together this event and should be praised for their hard work.

Creative and humorous awards were given at the end of the night by Mallorie Sweat. For best hair, Colton Horner received a floppy hat. Marina Orozco now has a pair of baby crocs to remind her of her title as ‘best shoes’. Most amusing of all however, was the bromance award given to Dalton Tudor and Ed Bender, for which distinction the pair received matching friendship lockets. Both parties continue to wear the lockets.
The night didn't end there, however. As people began to leave some students hung around and got up an impromptu choir performance, exemplifying the high spirits and overall fun of the First Annual Sadie Hawkins Banquet.