BMC Inaugurates New Baseball Field

On the clear afternoon of March 9th, the BMC baseball team, coaches, and other Blue Mountain College supporters gathered around home plate of the brand new baseball field. BMC president, Dr. Barbara McMillan, spoke of what a special moment the opening of the new field will be for the school.
“We’ve been trying to get home for about five—six—years now. And we are home,” Dr. McMillan said. “We will have a huge ceremony on the formal opening day when we will invite the community, family, and friends to a big celebration.”
Dr. McMillan announced April 22nd as the date for the celebration over the new baseball field. While Friday, March 10th, was the very first home game, April 22nd was the formal celebration of the field.

After this announcement, she called for the baseball team and coaches to stand around home plate as their supporters prayed for them and for the future home games. Some of the coaches were emotional as the dream for BMC’s home baseball field finally became a reality.

Miss Johnnie Armstrong, athletic professor at BMC for over 60 years, sat in the brand new bleachers with a huge smile on her face. She has played an important role in BMC’s physical education program since its founding, and her enthusiasm over the new field was contagious. “I have seen a lot happen at Blue Mountain over the years, but I never thought I would see something like this,” Miss Johnnie said. “You know how hard it is for me to sit here and not be out there, running those bases?”
Miss Johnnie confirmed the feelings of all dedicated BMC supporters—this is a historic moment, not just for BMC athletics, but for the whole school.