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Students March in Prayer for Revival

After the prayer walk, staff and students pray around the fountain.

Tuesday, September 11th, was an important day for Blue Mountain College. On this beautiful September afternoon, several students and faculty members gathered together to embark on a prayer walk to pray for revival to begin here on Blue Mountain’s campus.

To begin the prayer walk for revival, students and faculty met at the fountain where Elijah Fox gave a short devotion about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho and the significance of marching around the city in prayer seven times.

After the devotion, students and faculty dispersed and walked around the Lawrence T. Lowrey Administration Building seven times while they prayed continuously. The prayer walk lasted slightly under an hour, and while everyone walked around the Administration Building and prayed, the presence of the Lord was truly felt.

After the seventh trip around the Administration Building, everyone met back at the fountain where they, holding hands, encircled it and prayed aloud for revival to begin in the hearts of believers and for lost souls to be saved here on campus.


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