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First Annual "Thank a Donor Day" Successful

On September 19th and 20th, tables were set up in the foyer of the administration building and students were invited to write thank you cards to our donors. Once they had written one or more cards, students were entered into a drawing for a gift basket. Pizza was provided for all participants.

The point of this event was to extend our gratitude to the people who donate to BMC. Hearing from the students benefiting from their contributions can mean a lot, so a goal of 200 thank you notes was set.

How important are donors, anyway?

To put things into perspective, here are some figures. For the 2016-17 school year, Blue Mountain College had a total of 845 donors. Combined, these donors gave a total $3, 327,137, 6% of which was donated by alumni. That’s approximately enough to pay full four year tuition for nearly eighty students. Some of the money may have done exactly that, through endowed scholarships.

Ninety seven students participated in the event, many writing multiple cards. In the end, the goal of 200 post cards was not only reached but exceeded, with a total 253 cards written. The winner of the gift basket wadrawing was William Thompson, a senior worship leadership major.

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