Reading the Breeze
Mountain Breeze Winners Read Their Works

On Wednesday, April 18 from 3-5 pm, you are invited to the SUB to hear the works of some of the most talented students on Blue Mountain Campus! Winners of the Mountain Breeze annual writing competition will be reading their works aloud for the enjoyment of their fellow students.
This year, we have several new things in store. For starters, a special treat has been planned for any drama fans out there— a dramatic reading of the winning play, The Finding of One’s Voice, which will feature a full cast of characters. The author of the play, Seth Pierce, is looking forward to having his work brought to life in this way.

Another thing that will be new this year is that the winning artwork will be displayed during the readings. Attendees will be able to view these works in person, which always adds a special dimension to a piece, since artwork never looks quite the same in print.
Finally, a surprise presentation will take place just before the readings. If you want to satisfy your curiosity, you’ll just have to come! We hope to have a good number of students in attendance this year to celebrate the creativity and hard work of the writers.
As always, there will be light refreshments available, as well as free copies of the Mountain Breeze for students to take home. Friends and family are welcome. The readings will be held in the Student Union Building, across from the Administration building. Be there or be square!