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Where Two or Three Are Gathered...

“For where two are three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20 KJV). This verse is the mantra for the prayer group led by sophomore Leah Johnson. This prayer group, though small, has proven to be a powerful source of good on campus since its conception in August of last year.

This prayer group is not a traditional Bible study or devotional. When the meeting begins at 2:30 PM, Leah opens up the prayer time with a Bible verse. Afterwards, the floor is opened for anyone in the group to share prayer requests or thanksgivings to God. These prayer requests vary, from requests for healing to prayer for nice weather for the coming week. As they come, Leah writes them down, so that she may update people week by week as prayers are answered. When everyone has had their chance to share, Leah begins the prayer portion of the meeting. She chooses someone else in the group to close out prayer after everyone else has a chance to pray over the list that Leah has written down.

Since its creation, the group has had a variety of meeting places. Their first gathering place was in the BSU building, but the group soon realized that the building was too far removed from the rest of the campus to make a convenient meeting place between classes. Then, while the weather was nice, they began to meet outside. Unfortunately, with it being so cold at the beginning of this semester, the group has since decided to meet in the Admin’s auditorium until the weather brightens up.

“The goal (of these prayer meetings) is to get people to pray together,” says Leah. “God does hear our prayers, and He especially hears them when we’re together, praying for the same thing.” She hopes that their prayer group will be able to emulate Matthew 18:20 as she and the others in the group bring prayer to God’s feet so that He will hear them.

The group is a no-pressure setting where any variety of people can. The place is perfect for those who want to come and offer up any number of prayer requests or come to sit and pray silently. It offers a short respite from the stress of classes, while also opening up the chance to be spiritually fed. It is open to anyone who wishes to be surrounded by like-minded believers.

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