Hittin’ and Liftin’

Volleyball and Powerlifting
“Blue Mountain powerlifting has given me the opportunity to continue to do something that I truly love to do,” says powerlifter Alicia Harris.
Blue Mountain is always bringing in new ways to allow people to get involved. This year, we added two new sports: volleyball and powerlifting. By adding volleyball and powerlifting, the college has also been able to welcome a wide variety of people.
Powerlifting Coach Nathan Gillard stated, “Powerlifting is bringing different cultures to Blue Mountain. We have some lifters from the coast, some from Alabama, some from big cities, some from small schools, and some from bigger schools. So, we have a wide variety of different cultures.”
The addition has allowed athletes to stay healthy and set themselves around people who motivate them in a positive way while furthering their education. Volleyball player Carissa Mulford says, “Volleyball has helped me keep my health where it needs to be, and it has also allowed me to surround myself with positive people.” This also helps our school stay positive. If we are recruiting new people to come join our life here at the Mountain, we need people who will further our school’s reputation. Positivity doesn’t only help our school, but it helps establish a team who will work well together. You can't win ballgames if the team doesn’t work well together and being positive is a good start.
To be a team you must have unity. With unity comes relationships and those relationships turn into family. Powerlifting coach Nathan Gillard expressed how he views his lifters not just as his athletes but also his family. “I had a daughter in early August. This time last year I found out I was having a kid of my own and then a few months ago, I found out I was going to have 20. It has really changed my life being a dad and then picking up 19 more kids. They mean more to me than they know. This opportunity has helped me as a parent, a coach, a person, and a Christian.”
Adding these two sports has helped our school is so many ways. It gives people new opportunities, it brings in new cultures, and allows people to stay healthy and positive. I am excited to see what other new things Blue Mountain introduces to us in the years to come. If you have an opportunity — go watch these two teams compete.
Welcome to Blue Mountain, volleyball and powerlifting, and good luck on your upcoming season!