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Opportunities in a Season of Serving

Christmas is coming, and it’s coming fast. Ungodly amounts of Swiss Miss will be consumed, and inevitable trips to Cotton Plant will be taken to ogle at the intricate lights and massive decorations. As the holiday season approaches, it brings a time to reflect on the things we’re thankful for, and often we’re reminded of those who are less fortunate than we are.

In light of those that have little, the Christ-oriented student leaders on the BMC campus have organized various opportunities to serve throughout the season. While each of these listed opportunities are spearheaded by specific groups or societies on campus, all students are more than welcome to participate as we strive to share Christ’s love this Christmas.


Similarly to last year, the society will collect donations of new underwear for young women in Haiti, as well as help pin and sew reusable feminine products. Many girls in the country are unable to attend school due to their menstrual cycles, since they don’t have any sustainable options. The waste created by traditional options aren’t able to be disposed of properly, as well as the reality that they’re often too expensive for the struggling families.

Any undergarment donations can be dropped off in a tub in the Eunomian parlor.


Athletic teams are taking donations of coats for the Ripley and Blue Mountain communities.

If you have any old coats to donate or would like to donate some time volunteering, visit 205 North Jackson street Ripley (beside the Ripley Presbyterian Church) from 2-4 p.m.


The women’s ministry group is taking gift donations for ages newborn - eighteen. Oftentimes underprivileged families as well as children in foster care miss out on Christmas gifts. They’re asking for new toys for both girls and boys, as well as age appropriate items for teenagers.

Donations are being taken by any Koininia member on campus.

While the upcoming season brings with it the stress of final exams, hours pouring over notes, editing portfolios, attempting to deal with hoards of cousins, and breaking your already broken bank account for Christmas gifts, please consider spending a few dollars or precious moments of your time giving to those less fortunate, whether it be through the opportunities on campus or local opportunities in your hometown.

Let us not forget the reason we’re able to celebrate the birth of Jesus. As stated in the well known passage of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” God gave. Not only did He give, but He gave His only Son. Christmas is a season for giving, and what better way to celebrate than giving to those who need it most?

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