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Creating New Leadership

BMCU has a strong tradition of encouraging students to take part in leadership positions, each year provide many opportunities for students to participate. This year administration is continuing to encourage student growth by shifting class government from class presidents to class councils. In the past, each class of students has elected a cabinet of officials to work on their behalf to organize events and service projects. Classes met once a month and the class president, along with his or her cabinet, would preside over the meeting to bring up topics for discussion and guide the class’s conversations about future projects.

This year, BMCU has decided to take a new approach to leadership for each of the four classes. Instead of elected presidents, students were encouraged to send in applications for positions on the council for their class. Students selected to be a part of their class council will work together to fulfill the roles that have been filled by class presidents and cabinets in the past. This will give these student leaders opportunities to take an active role in guiding the activities and service projects of their classes.

Destiny Dill is a member of the senior class council for 2024. She says that she applied for the council position because she “felt like this was an opportunity for me to be able to be in a leadership position and to do everything in my power to make something happen for my fellow classmates.” Her goal while on council is “to let every student know that their opinion is valued and heard” as well as “to make any activities we do or projects fun, so that everyone will want to participate.”

Abby Laney is another class council representative, serving for the freshmen class. She decided to apply for a council position “because it sounded like a good opportunity to get to know people and be in an impactful group.” While serving on council, she says, “I want to be a light for others, and I want to make a positive impact by making everyone feel welcome and important.” Noting how switching to class councils will help more students engage with leadership, she said that, “students can go to their peers who are on the council and give their feedback personally.”

BMCU class councils are giving students new opportunities to engage with leadership and help shape the larger student body’s discussion about activities and service projects. As the academic year progresses, students are continuing to navigate this new change in leadership with one goal in mind: to represent every student.


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