Fall Festivities

The Student Union Building (SUB) became the site of a Halloween carnival on Thursday, October 28th. Excited students made their way to the carnival in a variety of costumes, ready to forget about their work for a while and enjoy one another’s company in this festive atmosphere. With blacklights, dancing, and a costume contest, the night was one not easily forgotten.
The Student Body Association (SBA) had worked hard that day to transform the SUB into a carnival-like atmosphere. Upon arriving, the partygoers walked through the doors of the SUB into a tent, where they received their entry ticket and passed through the tent into the actual party area. To the left stood a balloon-dart stand, where students could lob two or three darts at a board covered with balloons and win a piece of candy for each popped balloon. The SBA had cleared the entire floor of the SUB, creating a perfect place for dancing to the upbeat tunes playing throughout the evening. A photo booth along one of the walls provided a space for the attendees to have their pictures made and entered into the costume contest, if they so chose.
