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Holiday's Off and Homework's Back On

With winter break over, homework is sure to come on crashing down. When asking what about school that they might have missed, many people said: sports, friends, and being on a routine, which school days did to help in scheduling things. Going to classes helped students schedule their days, which can easily be lost track of over the holidays. Now that students are coming back to class, here are some study tips for homework know-how.

Everyone has different ways that work for them, so listed below are some suggestions from Blue Mountain College students that might be helpful.

Time Management and Making a Schedule

Aleigha McDonald says she likes to study over what test material she has once a day and figure out what needs to be done and when—“to time manage”. One teacher, Barbara Bowen, even suggested setting a schedule for homework and sticking to it, letting nothing get in the way of the plan. Dr. Bowen also suggested turning off all devices so that nothing distracts you, no matter what; to always try to keep that schedule. Darien Newchurch said, “Doing homework is just making time and doing it.”

Setting the Scene

Cayliana Newman said she likes doing homework in the comfort of her own home and setting a timer, taking breaks in between the “working zones.” That way she feels relaxed and refreshed and comes back ready to tackle whatever is next on her plate. She said that she had access to all her needed resources at home easily. Some people said that listening to relaxing music while they do homework helped their focus tenfold. Also, an anonymous student suggested isolation and silence always helped her whenever doing homework. Bre Carr suggested going to the library and turning off all devices when doing homework so that it could be done freely in silence.

Set Goals and Find Ways To Hold Yourself Accountable to Complete Them

Chandler Wall suggested “having…some goals/tasks”. Darien Newchurch suggested taking notes and reading them out loud when studying outside of class. Another student suggested studying with a partner helped her increase her memory retention.

Get Tutoring

David Cox suggested tutoring at the TLC. That is the tutoring center here at Blue Mountain College, which is located on the second floor of the administration building. One helper there, Viviann Housley, summarized some of the suggestions for homework above and more below.

Additional Tips from the TLC:

· finding out teacher expectations

· using the lists of vocabulary words [and end summaries of chapters in books]

· flashcards

· repetition of facts

· understanding major themes of works

Viviann Housley basically said to experiment with study habits and find out which one is best for you.

- Photo by R. Velasco


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