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Keeping Them Guessing

BMC’s new play, “Bless This Bread” by Craig Sodaro, starts with a small group of people gathered at church by Rev. Longacre for a potluck to discuss the issue of starting a building fund. The richest woman in town, Lillian Kegsley, stuns everyone by announcing that she is giving $1.5 million in jewelry so there will be no need for a drive. However, when she gets her purse back, she discovers the jewels have been stolen, which leads the Rev. to begin an investigation that involves the members of the church and the audience.

This play is interesting because it is inclusive of the audience. It appears the play will be a fun and entertaining activity in which to participate.

Craig Sodaro, the author of the play, has over 60 titles in print as of now. When he was younger, he found that audience response plays were the way he wanted to take his work. This is shown in the play, “Bless This Bread”, where the audience will take part in the investigation that the cast will begin.

The play will keep the audience on its toes and wondering if their neighbor stole the jewels. Another big thing to consider about this play is that it is a Christian comedic mystery, so just like anything done at Blue Mountain College it will be done for the Lord and will be family friendly.

There is a cost of $5 dollars for general admission, but Blue Mountain College students, faculty and staff will be allowed in for free with school ID. The play will take place on September 29th and September 30th at 7pm in Garrett Auditorium, and October 1st at 2pm in Garrett Auditorium. It is general seating and tickets are available at the door. If you would like to make reservations, contact Christi Mitchell at


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