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Serving in Honor of MLK

On the second Monday of the spring semester every year, students from Blue Mountain Christian University gather on their day off from school to serve their community. Martin Luther King Jr. day has been a day of service on and off campus for many years, and this year was no exception. According to Deena Coombs, over 100 people participated in service day this year and worked on projects ranging from cleaning up garbage around the town and campus to donating clothes and working in the Operation Christmas Child room at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.

Ms. Coombs states that BMCU has service day “so that the university family (faculty, staff and students) can join together to serve our local and surrounding communities. This particular day allows us to serve without as many distractions and allows us time that many people don’t feel like they have in order to serve.” This focus on service is a tribute to Rev. King, whose national holiday was passed by Congress to be a day of service, explains Coombs.

BMCU focuses on how Dr. King’s example pushes the community to serve others just as he did. Ms. Coombs states, “MLK himself was a great example. He not only talked the talk, he walked the walk.” Service day encourages Blue Mountain Christian University students to do the same and reach out in service to others. This year, multiple student groups and athletic teams participated in service day. According to Ms. Coombs’ records, the golf, softball, BSU, woman’s JV basketball, volleyball and archery teams all contributed to service projects. Many students not affiliated with a team or club also participated.

Ms. Coombs’ records show that many different organizations were helped this service day, including the BMCU campus as well as the BSU, Blue Mountain High School, the local Dollar General and Operation Christmas Child.

However, service day is more than just one day of work at BMCU. Service is a part of the school’s mission, and students are encouraged to participate in many ways outside of service day as well. Throughout the year, Ms. Coombs has records of students serving their community and the school.

Service is a year-long commitment for the Blue Mountain Christian University campus. Service Day is just one way that students commit to working for the benefit of others. As students give back to their communities on service day, they are encouraged to continue in the tradition of helping others started by Dr. King.


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