English Club Holds Book Drive For Jail
Blue Mountain Christian University’s English Club is seeking donations of paperback books for the Lee County jail. The jail has suffered...

Writing Beyond the Classroom
Every year BMCU offers a writing contest to its students in order to encourage and reward excellent writing in both personal and academic...

Where is Your Allegiance?
During the first week of March, Garrett Auditorium was filled with people coming to watch BMCU’s new production Allegiance, a play which...

Power of Poetry
The United States poet laureate Ada Limón said it best, “No one can tell you what a poem means […] that is its true magic.” A group of...

When God Shows Up
Most years in both the fall and spring semesters, Blue Mountain Christian University plans several days for a revival service for all...

The Work, the Sport, the Bow
BMCU archer Baleigh Bray speaks about her journey with archery and her experiences as part of the BMCU archery team: My journey with BMCU...